Felicia's Notebook, Taking Back Friday

How I Knit a Sock on the CSM

Felicia Lo knitting a sock on a circular sock machine (CSM) with SweetGeorgia yarns

So a couple of weeks ago, I talked about how I knit socks on my circular sock machine (CSM). I spoke about how I make socks in terms of taking measurements, gauge, and how I do all of the calculations when making socks for friends and family. But I didn’t actually show you how I crank the socks.

On today’s Taking Back Friday, that’s what we’re going to do! We’re going to go from top to bottom, from beginning to end, showing you all the steps I do to crank a sock on my Erlbacher Speedster CSM.

Thank you so much for joining me here to chat about all these things to do with knitting socks on a circular sock machine.ย If you happen to also be going to the Erlbacher Crank-Inย event this May 2023, please do leave a comment and let me know. I would love to meet you there! I’m super excited about itโ€“it will be my first event taking my CSM anywhere, which the next challenge is figuring out how to pack it up.


  • what I mention in today’s video: Quick links to items I share in the video…
    • The socks I am knitting are top-down with a hung hem on a 64-stitch cylinder using an Erlbacher Speedster CSM.
    • The yarns I’m using in the video are: SweetGeorgia Mohair Silk Sock in Fizzy Water.
    • Sweetspot Heel V-Fork and Weight Set are from Chambord CSM.



About Felicia Lo

founder + creative director of SweetGeorgia // designer + dreamer // wife + mama // dyer, knitter, spinner, weaver, youtuber + author // been writing this blog about colour and craft since 2004 // see what I am making @lomeetsloom and @sweetgeorgia.

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One thought on “How I Knit a Sock on the CSM

  1. Shiquila Burris says:

    Hi Felicia!

    I am trying to start a sock business. I am looking for someone who can make socks in minimum orders( less than 100)
    Do you have any recommendations?

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