Felicia's Notebook, Taking Back Friday

September’s Taking Back Friday Live

Felicia Lo Wong at SweetGeorgia Yarns Taking Back Friday livestream

Join me at the SweetGeorgia YouTube channel this Friday for a monthly livestream chat about craft and colour at our Taking Back Friday Live! We’ll be sharing the latest news from SweetGeorgia, the School of SweetGeorgia, plus the projects that I’ve been recently working on.

We’ll be live Friday, September 8th at 10:00 am PDT (1:00 pm EDT). Grab your current knitting or crochet project and join me in the YouTube live chat online.

If you’re unable to join us live, the video will be available to watch following the livestream.


  • what I’m wearing in the livestream: I’m wearing the Halu sweater designed by Caitlin Hunter, knit in SweetGeorgia CashLuxe Fine in Cassis and Merino Silk Lace in Vintage.
  • what I mention in the livestream: Here are quick links to items mentioned during the livestream…
    • Stitch Diaries: Season Five set with the Cabin Cove mini-skein set curated by SweetGeorgia team member, Rachael, and Tabetha’s 14-page stitch dictionary and Autumn Oaks cowl recipe, plus a SoakBox Slim.
    • Live chat question about a tour of the SweetGeorgia dye studio, which one can be found at our SweetGeorgia YouTube channel.
    • More on our Reimagined Three 2023 shawl patterns can be found at the SweetGeorgia blog.
    • Tume shawl design by Tabetha Hedrick which we have kits for here, and the pattern download is also included free for SOS Members. Find all of our new shawl kits at the online shop.
    • Come and visit us at Knit City Vancouver! We’ll be doing demos and meetups in the Knitter’s Lounge plus sharing our new colourways and sets at our SweetGeorgia booth.
    • SOS Spin-Along taking place at the School, and coming soon will be Tabetha’s Two-at-a-Time Socks course, available on October 5th.
    • Spinning fibre shown: Corriedale in Trail Runner and Targhee in Beachside Brunch.
    • Join in the multicraftual conversation at our SweetGeorgia Discord channel.
    • Playin’ My Song Mystery Knit-Along shawl full pattern is coming out on September 12th along with custom yarn kits still available for this shawl.
    • Interested in creating Make & Hue fibre arts kits for kids. If you have any comments or thoughts about this, I’d love to continue the conversation with you at our Discord channel!
    • School of SweetGeorgia membership prices will be increasing on October 1st. Current members will maintain their current pricing, and if you are new to the School, now is a fabulous time to lock in our current pricing. We’d love to see you there!

About Felicia Lo

founder + creative director of SweetGeorgia // designer + dreamer // wife + mama // dyer, knitter, spinner, weaver, youtuber + author // been writing this blog about colour and craft since 2004 // see what I am making @lomeetsloom and @sweetgeorgia.

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